Law Firm Marketing Sydney


Not just another marketing agency, at Fast Firms Sydney we work shoulder to shoulder with our law firms to drive year on year growth.

Law Firm Marketing Sydney Strategy

Our unique, distinctive and proven legal marketing strategy!


It all starts and ends with strategy! We kick off with a deep-dive into your law firm. We’re looking at things like positioning, brand archetypes, client personas among numerous other things.


The client experience matters the most! We’re different from most other agencies who are often one-dimensionally focused on marketing tactics. At this stage, we’re focused on the continuum from strategy through to the creation of exceptional client experience.


With a strategy done, it’s all about building a diverse range of assets to fulfil the strategy. This sees our team traversing everything design and technology.


At this stage, our focus shifts to lead generation, lead nurture and conversion. At the outset, we’re ensuring we have the technology to underpin lead flow. Following this, it’s all about traffic, generating leads through a comprehensive approach including paid and organic search and social.


This stage is all about conversion rate optimisation. Ensuring that month after month we’re seeing improvement on every front.

Law Firm Marketing Services Sydney

As a law firm in Sydney, it can be challenging to stand out in a crowded marketplace. With so many firms vying for the attention of potential clients, it’s essential to have a strong digital presence and a targeted marketing strategy.

At our agency, we specialize in law firm marketing, with a focus on helping Sydney-based law firms build their brands, attract new clients, and grow their businesses. With our expertise in digital marketing, we can help your law firm reach its full potential.

Our services include:

  1. Website Design and Development: Your website is your law firm’s digital storefront, and it’s essential to make a great first impression. We can create a custom website that showcases your law firm’s services and expertise, optimized for search engines and designed to convert visitors into clients.
  2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is critical to ensuring that your law firm’s website appears at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) when potential clients search for legal services. We can help your law firm rank higher in Google search results, drive more traffic to your website, and attract more leads.
  3. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: PPC advertising is an effective way to target potential clients who are searching for legal services in Sydney. We can create and manage PPC campaigns that drive traffic to your website and generate leads for your law firm.
  4. Content Marketing: Content marketing is a powerful way to establish your law firm as an authority in your field and attract potential clients. We can create and distribute valuable content, including blog posts, e-books, and webinars, that demonstrate your expertise and provide value to potential clients.
  5. Social Media Marketing: Social media is a valuable channel for connecting with potential clients and building your law firm’s brand. We can help you create and manage social media campaigns that engage your audience and drive traffic to your website.

At our agency, we understand the unique challenges that law firms face in Sydney. With our targeted marketing strategies and digital expertise, we can help your law firm stand out from the competition, attract new clients, and grow your business.

Ready to take your law firm’s marketing to the next level? Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your law firm succeed.

Not ready to take the next step, here is our advice on how to effectively grow your law firm in Sydney.

StoryBrand for Your Law Firm

When it comes to marketing your law firm, building a strong brand is essential. One effective approach is to use the StoryBrand framework developed by Donald Miller. This framework helps businesses create a compelling brand narrative that connects with their target audience. By focusing on the needs and desires of your potential clients, you can craft a story that resonates with them and compels them to choose your firm over others.

Building a StoryBrand begins with understanding the power of storytelling in marketing. Stories have been a fundamental part of human communication for centuries. They captivate our attention, evoke emotions, and help us make sense of the world around us. By harnessing the power of storytelling, you can create a brand that stands out and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

The StoryBrand framework consists of seven key elements that work together to create a compelling brand narrative. These elements include:

  1. A character: In this case, the character is your potential client. You need to understand their needs, desires, and pain points in order to create a story that resonates with them.
  2. A problem: Every good story has a problem that needs to be solved. Identify the challenges your potential clients face and position your firm as the solution.
  3. A guide: Your law firm plays the role of the guide in the story. Position yourself as the expert who can help your clients overcome their challenges and achieve their goals.
  4. A plan: Outline a clear and actionable plan for your clients to follow. This gives them a sense of direction and builds trust in your expertise.
  5. A call to action: Every story needs a call to action. Encourage your potential clients to take the next step, whether it’s scheduling a consultation, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting your firm.
  6. A success story: Share success stories and testimonials from previous clients to demonstrate the positive outcomes your firm can deliver.
  7. A vision: Paint a compelling vision of what life could be like for your potential clients once they choose your firm. Help them see the benefits and transformation they can experience.

By incorporating these elements into your brand narrative, you can create a story that engages your audience and compels them to take action. The StoryBrand framework provides a roadmap for crafting a clear and compelling message that resonates with your potential clients.

Furthermore, when implementing the StoryBrand framework, it’s important to consider the specific needs and preferences of your target audience. Conduct market research to gain insights into their motivations, pain points, and decision-making process. This will help you tailor your brand narrative to effectively connect with and persuade your potential clients.

Remember, building a StoryBrand is an ongoing process. As your law firm evolves and your target audience’s needs change, you may need to revisit and refine your brand narrative. Stay attuned to market trends and feedback from your clients to ensure your story remains relevant and compelling.

In conclusion, the StoryBrand framework offers a powerful approach to building a strong brand for your law firm. By crafting a compelling brand narrative that resonates with your potential clients, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and attract the right clients to your firm. Embrace the power of storytelling and leverage the seven key elements of the StoryBrand framework to create a brand that leaves a lasting impression and drives results.

*Dan Toombs, the Director of Fast Firms, is a Certified StoryBrand guide. 

Your Law Firm’s UVP

To differentiate your law firm from competitors, it is crucial to identify and communicate your unique value proposition. Your value proposition is what sets your firm apart and demonstrates why potential clients should choose you. Whether it’s your expertise in a specific area of law or your exceptional client service, clearly articulating what makes your firm special will attract clients who align with your values and needs.

When developing your law firm’s unique value proposition, it is important to consider the specific needs and pain points of your target audience. Conducting thorough market research and understanding the challenges faced by potential clients will allow you to tailor your value proposition to address their concerns directly. By doing so, you will position your firm as the go-to solution for their legal needs.

One aspect to consider when crafting your value proposition is your firm’s expertise in a particular area of law. Highlighting your deep knowledge and experience in a specific legal niche will attract clients who require specialized assistance. For example, if your firm specializes in intellectual property law, you can emphasize your track record of successfully protecting clients’ patents, trademarks, and copyrights. This will instill confidence in potential clients and make them more likely to choose your firm over competitors.

In addition to expertise, exceptional client service can be a powerful differentiator for your law firm. Going above and beyond to provide personalized attention, prompt communication, and a positive client experience will leave a lasting impression on clients. Consider showcasing testimonials from satisfied clients who have benefited from your firm’s exceptional service. This will not only demonstrate your commitment to client satisfaction but also build trust and credibility with potential clients.

Another important factor to consider when developing your value proposition is your firm’s track record of success. Highlighting notable cases or achievements can help establish your firm’s credibility and expertise. Potential clients are more likely to choose a law firm that has a proven track record of delivering favorable outcomes for their clients. By showcasing your firm’s successes, you can instill confidence in potential clients and position your firm as a trusted and reliable legal partner.

Lastly, it is important to communicate your firm’s values and mission as part of your value proposition. Clients are increasingly looking for law firms that align with their own values and principles. Clearly articulating your firm’s commitment to integrity, ethics, and social responsibility will resonate with clients who prioritize these qualities. By highlighting your firm’s values, you can attract clients who share your vision and create long-lasting partnerships based on mutual trust and respect.

In conclusion, developing a unique value proposition for your law firm is essential for standing out in a competitive legal landscape. By identifying and communicating what sets your firm apart, whether it’s your expertise, exceptional client service, track record of success, or alignment with client values, you can attract clients who align with your firm’s unique strengths and offerings. Remember to continuously evaluate and refine your value proposition to ensure it remains relevant and compelling in an ever-changing legal market.

Differentiate Your Law Firm

In a crowded legal market like Sydney, standing out from the competition is paramount. One effective way to differentiate your law firm is to focus on a specific niche or practice area. By becoming an expert in a particular field, you can position yourself as the go-to firm for clients seeking assistance in that area.

For example, let’s say you specialize in intellectual property law. By honing your expertise in this complex and ever-evolving area, you can offer clients a level of knowledge and insight that sets you apart from general practice firms. Whether it’s patent disputes, copyright infringement cases, or trademark registrations, your firm can provide tailored solutions that address the unique challenges faced by clients in the intellectual property realm.

Moreover, focusing on a specific niche allows you to develop strong relationships within that industry. You can attend relevant conferences, join industry associations, and network with key players in the field. By immersing yourself in the world of intellectual property, you become not just a legal advisor, but a trusted partner who understands the intricacies and nuances of the industry.

Another way to differentiate your law firm is by leveraging client testimonials and case studies. While legal services are often intangible, testimonials from satisfied clients can provide tangible evidence of your firm’s capabilities and successes. By showcasing positive feedback and highlighting specific cases where your firm achieved favorable outcomes, you can instill confidence in potential clients and differentiate your firm from others.

Imagine a potential client searching for a law firm to handle their personal injury claim. They come across your website and see testimonials from previous clients who praise your firm’s dedication, professionalism, and ability to secure substantial settlements. These testimonials not only validate your expertise but also create a sense of trust and credibility that sets you apart from competitors. WE can give you the edge with our review software, FirmRanker

Furthermore, case studies can be a powerful tool to demonstrate your firm’s track record of success. By providing detailed accounts of past cases, you can showcase your strategic approach, legal acumen, and ability to achieve favorable outcomes for clients. Potential clients can see how your firm navigated complex legal issues, overcame challenges, and ultimately delivered results.

By incorporating client testimonials and case studies into your marketing materials, website, and social media platforms, you can effectively differentiate your law firm from competitors. These real-life examples not only add depth and credibility to your brand but also provide potential clients with a glimpse into the level of service and expertise they can expect when choosing your firm.

Establishing Credibility

Establishing credibility is crucial for any law firm looking to attract clients. Potential clients need to trust that your firm has the knowledge and experience necessary to handle their legal issues. One way to build credibility is by creating high-quality content that showcases your expertise. By consistently producing informative articles, blog posts, and whitepapers, you can position your firm as a trusted authority in your practice area.

When it comes to establishing credibility, it’s not just about the content you produce, but also how you present it. A well-designed and user-friendly website can make a significant impact on how potential clients perceive your firm. Investing in professional web design shows that you are serious about your online presence and are willing to go the extra mile to provide a positive user experience.

In addition to creating content and having a visually appealing website, another way to build credibility is through client testimonials. Positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied clients can go a long way in establishing trust with potential clients. Consider reaching out to your current and past clients and asking them to share their experiences working with your firm. Display these testimonials prominently on your website and other marketing materials to showcase the positive feedback you have received. Need help with this, our software FirmRanker is literally helping law firms get hundreds of 5 star reviews.

Furthermore, participating in speaking engagements and industry events can also help establish your firm’s credibility. By sharing your knowledge and expertise with others in the legal community, you position yourself as a thought leader and gain recognition as an authority in your field. Speaking at conferences, seminars, and webinars allows you to connect with potential clients and demonstrate your firm’s expertise in a public forum.

Another effective way to build credibility is by actively engaging with your audience on social media platforms. By consistently sharing valuable insights, answering questions, and participating in discussions, you can establish yourself as a trusted source of information within your industry. Social media platforms also provide an opportunity to showcase your firm’s personality and values, allowing potential clients to connect with you on a more personal level.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of networking and building relationships within the legal community. Attending industry events, joining professional organizations, and connecting with other attorneys can help you establish credibility and gain referrals. Building a strong network of professionals who respect and trust your expertise can significantly enhance your firm’s reputation.

In conclusion, establishing credibility is essential for any law firm looking to attract clients. By consistently producing high-quality content, having a well-designed website, showcasing client testimonials, participating in speaking engagements, engaging on social media, and building relationships within the legal community, you can position your firm as a trusted authority in your practice area. Remember, credibility takes time to build, but the long-term benefits are worth the effort.

SEO for Law Firms

When it comes to online marketing, organic traffic and search engine optimization (SEO) play vital roles in driving potential clients to your law firm’s website. By optimizing your website for relevant keywords and providing valuable content, you can increase your visibility in search engine results. This, in turn, will attract more potential clients and enhance your online presence.

Organic traffic refers to the visitors who come to your website through unpaid search engine results. Unlike paid traffic, which involves running advertisements, organic traffic is generated by the relevance and quality of your website’s content. This means that when someone searches for a specific legal service or topic, your website has a higher chance of appearing in the search results if it is optimized for SEO.

SEO is the process of improving your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). It involves various strategies, such as keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and content creation. By implementing these techniques, you can increase your website’s ranking in search results, making it more likely for potential clients to find and visit your site.

One of the key benefits of organic traffic and SEO for law firms is the targeted nature of the visitors it brings. When someone searches for a specific legal service or information, they are actively looking for assistance or guidance. By optimizing your website for relevant keywords and providing valuable content that addresses their needs, you can attract these potential clients to your site.

Furthermore, organic traffic and SEO can help establish your law firm as an authority in your practice area. When your website consistently appears in search results for relevant keywords, it builds trust and credibility among potential clients. They are more likely to view your firm as a reliable source of information and expertise, increasing the likelihood of them contacting you for legal services.

In addition to attracting potential clients, organic traffic and SEO can also have long-term benefits for your law firm. Unlike paid advertising, which stops generating traffic once the campaign ends, organic traffic can continue to bring visitors to your website for months or even years. By consistently optimizing your website and creating valuable content, you can maintain a steady stream of organic traffic, reducing your reliance on paid advertising.

It is important to note that organic traffic and SEO require ongoing effort and monitoring. Search engine algorithms are constantly evolving, and staying up-to-date with the latest SEO best practices is crucial for maintaining and improving your website’s visibility. Regularly analyzing your website’s performance, conducting keyword research, and updating your content are all essential steps in maximizing the benefits of organic traffic and SEO for your law firm.

In conclusion, organic traffic and SEO are essential components of a successful online marketing strategy for law firms. By optimizing your website for relevant keywords and providing valuable content, you can attract targeted visitors, establish your firm’s authority, and enjoy long-term benefits. Investing in organic traffic and SEO is an investment in the growth and success of your law firm.

Inbound Marketing Strategy

Utilize content marketing

Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable content, such as blog posts, videos, and podcasts, to attract and engage potential clients. By offering helpful information and addressing their pain points, you can establish trust and credibility with your audience.

Utilize email marketing

Email marketing is another effective strategy for nurturing leads and staying connected with current and past clients. By sending regular newsletters, updates, and valuable insights, you can keep your firm top of mind when potential clients are ready to seek legal help.

Utilize social media marketing

Engaging with your audience on social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, can help you build relationships and showcase your expertise. Sharing informative content, participating in relevant discussions, and responding to comments and inquiries can help you establish a strong online presence.

UX Design and Your Law Firm

When it comes to your law firm’s website, user experience (UX) design is crucial. A user-friendly website should be easy to navigate, visually appealing, and optimized for mobile devices. By investing in UX design, you can provide a seamless and enjoyable experience for potential clients, increasing the likelihood that they will choose your firm for their legal needs.

Build a Super Fast Website

A slow and sluggish website can turn potential clients away. In today’s digital age, people expect websites to load quickly, or they will simply move on to the next option. By optimizing your website’s loading speed, you can provide a positive user experience and prevent potential clients from bouncing off your site. This can be achieved through various techniques, such as optimizing images, reducing server response time, and implementing caching mechanisms.

Get Great Photos

When designing your law firm’s website, don’t overlook the power of great visuals. High-quality, professional photos can enhance your website’s visual appeal and help establish trust with potential clients. Including photos of your lawyers and staff can add a personal touch and make your firm more relatable. Additionally, showcasing images that reflect your practice area can help potential clients visualize how your firm can assist them.

Get More Traffic with Google Ads

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is a powerful advertising platform that can help you drive targeted traffic to your law firm’s website. With Google Ads, you can create ads that appear in search engine results or on relevant websites. By targeting specific keywords and demographics, you can reach potential clients who are actively searching for legal services in Sydney.

Track All Marketing Leads

To determine the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, it is essential to track and analyze your leads. By implementing lead tracking systems and analytics tools, you can gain valuable insights into the sources of your leads, conversion rates, and ROI. This data will help you make informed decisions about your marketing strategy and optimize your efforts to achieve better results.

Want to seamless track all your leads and prove marketing ROI, use our software, LawDash.

Get Help from Fast Firms

Navigating the world of law firm marketing can be overwhelming, especially for busy lawyers and firm administrators. If you need expert guidance and assistance, consider partnering with Fast Firms, the leading law firm marketing company in Sydney. Fast Firms specializes in helping law firms build effective marketing strategies tailored to their unique needs and goals. With their expertise and proven track record, they can help you achieve significant growth and success in your legal practice.

In conclusion, a strategic and comprehensive marketing approach is essential for law firms in Sydney to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. By investing in brand building, differentiation, credibility, organic traffic, user experience, and various marketing strategies, law firms can attract more clients and position themselves as trusted authorities in their practice areas.

Things to Read, Watch & Listen

How Law Firms Are Using AI for Better Client Experience

Transformational technologies are rapidly revolutionising various industries, including the legal industry. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has long been utilised by law firms, while Generative AI is expanding its capabilities to enhance client experiences. According to the Tech & the Law 2023 report, over half of legal professionals surveyed consider revamping client service delivery models at their… Read More »How Law Firms Are Using AI for Better Client Experience

How Your Law Firm Can Get More Google Reviews

Law firms understand the power of online reviews in shaping client perceptions and driving business growth. Google reviews have become an essential component of a successful marketing strategy. So, how can you get more Google reviews to elevate your firm’s reputation and attract more clients? Why Google Reviews are Important for Law Firms Google reviews… Read More »How Your Law Firm Can Get More Google Reviews

Unlocking the Potential of Brand Archetypes for Law Firm Marketing

Brand Archetypes for Law Firm Marketing When it comes to crafting a successful brand identity for your law firm, there are many factors to consider. One powerful strategy that can help you establish a strong and consistent brand is the use of brand archetypes. By understanding the different archetypes and how they resonate with your target… Read More »Unlocking the Potential of Brand Archetypes for Law Firm Marketing

The Best Apps for Law Firm Appointment Scheduling

As a lawyer, you know how challenging it can be to keep track of your busy schedule. Appointment scheduling for lawyers has never been easier thanks to the wide range of scheduling apps for law firms available today. These apps can help you better manage your time and keep your clients informed of any changes… Read More »The Best Apps for Law Firm Appointment Scheduling

Unlocking the Potential of Brand Archetypes for Law Firm Marketing

Brand Archetypes for Law Firm Marketing When it comes to crafting a successful brand identity for your law firm, there are many factors to consider. One powerful strategy that can help you establish a strong and consistent brand is the use of brand archetypes. By understanding the different archetypes and how they resonate with your target… Read More »Unlocking the Potential of Brand Archetypes for Law Firm Marketing

I’m a Lawyer in New York, How Much Should I Charge?

**Fast Firms is a leading law firm marketing agency, working in Australia, United States and Canada. As a lawyer practicing in New York, determining how much to charge for your legal services can be a complex task. The rates you set will have a direct impact on your profitability and ability to compete with other… Read More »I’m a Lawyer in New York, How Much Should I Charge?

Lead Generation Tips for New Law Firms

Lead Generation Tips for Lawyers Starting a new law firm is an exciting but daunting endeavor. One of the biggest challenges that law firms face is attracting new clients and growing their business. Law firm marketing can be a complex and time-consuming task, so it’s important to be strategic in your approach. In this blog… Read More »Lead Generation Tips for New Law Firms

Why Law Firms Should Consider a Blue Ocean Strategy in 2024

Law Firms Should Consider a Blue Ocean Strategy In today’s highly competitive legal industry, law firms are constantly seeking new strategies to gain a competitive edge and drive growth. One such strategy that has gained significant attention is the Blue Ocean Strategy. This innovative approach, rooted in value innovation, offers law firms a unique opportunity… Read More »Why Law Firms Should Consider a Blue Ocean Strategy in 2024

Lead Generation Tips for New Law Firms

Lead Generation Tips for Lawyers Starting a new law firm is an exciting but daunting endeavor. One of the biggest challenges that law firms face is attracting new clients and growing their business. Law firm marketing can be a complex and time-consuming task, so it’s important to be strategic in your approach. In this blog… Read More »Lead Generation Tips for New Law Firms

How Belbin Team Roles Can Help Law Firms Get Unstuck

Law firms face a unique set of challenges that can hinder their growth and success. From the day to day management of a legal practice, managing large caseloads to building strong client relationships, to driving new business through marketing, the demands on law firms can be overwhelming. One effective solution for addressing these challenges and… Read More »How Belbin Team Roles Can Help Law Firms Get Unstuck

Law Firm Marketing Guide

Law Firm Marketing Strategy We’ve been working with law firms of all sizes for close to 15 years. Over that time, we’ve learned what works for law firms and what doesn’t when it comes to law firm marketing. In this guide, we will explain in detail the attributes of effective law firm marketing in 2023.Read More »Law Firm Marketing Guide

The Best Website Builders for Law Firms

There are many website builders available that can be used to create a professional website for a law firm. When choosing a website builder, it is important to consider factors such as ease of use, cost, design options, and the level of support and resources available. Here are some of the best website builders for… Read More »The Best Website Builders for Law Firms

How Your Law Firm Can Get More Google Reviews

Law firms understand the power of online reviews in shaping client perceptions and driving business growth. Google reviews have become an essential component of a successful marketing strategy. So, how can you get more Google reviews to elevate your firm’s reputation and attract more clients? Why Google Reviews are Important for Law Firms Google reviews… Read More »How Your Law Firm Can Get More Google Reviews

Unlocking the Potential of Brand Archetypes for Law Firm Marketing

Brand Archetypes for Law Firm Marketing When it comes to crafting a successful brand identity for your law firm, there are many factors to consider. One powerful strategy that can help you establish a strong and consistent brand is the use of brand archetypes. By understanding the different archetypes and how they resonate with your target… Read More »Unlocking the Potential of Brand Archetypes for Law Firm Marketing

The Best Apps for Law Firm Appointment Scheduling

As a lawyer, you know how challenging it can be to keep track of your busy schedule. Appointment scheduling for lawyers has never been easier thanks to the wide range of scheduling apps for law firms available today. These apps can help you better manage your time and keep your clients informed of any changes… Read More »The Best Apps for Law Firm Appointment Scheduling

Are Competitors Clicking on Your Law Firm’s Google Ads?

Google Ads for law firms and lawyers can be an effective way of generating leads for your practice, but you need to be aware of competitor click fraud. Competitor click fraud is when a rival firm clicks on your Google Ads in order to deplete your advertising budget and potentially lower your ranking on the… Read More »Are Competitors Clicking on Your Law Firm’s Google Ads?

How Law Firms Are Using AI for Better Client Experience

Transformational technologies are rapidly revolutionising various industries, including the legal industry. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has long been utilised by law firms, while Generative AI is expanding its capabilities to enhance client experiences. According to the Tech & the Law 2023 report, over half of legal professionals surveyed consider revamping client service delivery models at their… Read More »How Law Firms Are Using AI for Better Client Experience

How Your Law Firm Can Get More Google Reviews

Law firms understand the power of online reviews in shaping client perceptions and driving business growth. Google reviews have become an essential component of a successful marketing strategy. So, how can you get more Google reviews to elevate your firm’s reputation and attract more clients? Why Google Reviews are Important for Law Firms Google reviews… Read More »How Your Law Firm Can Get More Google Reviews

The Best Apps for Law Firm Appointment Scheduling

As a lawyer, you know how challenging it can be to keep track of your busy schedule. Appointment scheduling for lawyers has never been easier thanks to the wide range of scheduling apps for law firms available today. These apps can help you better manage your time and keep your clients informed of any changes… Read More »The Best Apps for Law Firm Appointment Scheduling

Are Competitors Clicking on Your Law Firm’s Google Ads?

Google Ads for law firms and lawyers can be an effective way of generating leads for your practice, but you need to be aware of competitor click fraud. Competitor click fraud is when a rival firm clicks on your Google Ads in order to deplete your advertising budget and potentially lower your ranking on the… Read More »Are Competitors Clicking on Your Law Firm’s Google Ads?